The Blissful Mind
Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy. Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those
How should Buddhists carry themselves during the Buddhist Lent season so that they can achieve the maximum merit?
Dhammakaya Hong Kong Temple arranged the activities
Dhammakaya Hong Kong Temple arranged the activities to collect money to build the monastic residence in the temple.
Preference Because of Fear
Some people will do unfair things because of fear. People’s minds are unclear and their thoughts are incorrect if they fear that they will lose their social position, money, job, fame, love, or power.
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering # 2
The Lord Buddha taught that the extent of craving in the minds of living beings is so great as to be beyond words
A Mind Invulnerable to Worldly Vicissitudes
The mind that is afraid or disappointed by Worldly Vicissitudes is worrisome that is might encounter something unpleasant or something that it is afraid of
The Mind as the Origin of Peace and War
The human experience is composed of two important parts, the body and the mind. These two elements communicate back and forth with each other from the
The Essence of Human Reformation
When we consider the subject of reforming human nature, the subject of this book, we mean the transformation process from the untrained to the well-trained mind.
What are the Characteristics of Untrained Mind?
When the mind is obscured by defilements, it is constricted like being imprisoned in a small dark room. Just as one who is imprisoned alone becomes paranoid about possible dangers, the first impulse will be to save his own skin.
What principle of Dhamma shall we follow to be millionaires over lives?